If you are looking for the best birthday cake recipe that is easily adapted to various flavors…you’ve found it!! I have been working at this cake recipe for a few years. One day, I was missing a couple ingredients so I substituted them with what I had and voila! Finally! It was what had been missing in flavor and moisture and I have been making it the past year for numerous parties with raving reviews and recipe requests. It has become part of my birthday tradition to make the cake and I’m a minimal work kinda gal when it comes to food because it just gets eaten in seconds so I find ways to make a cake beautiful without a lot of hours of work and I very much have loved the process and even more so now that I have a delicious cake as well as a beautiful design! So I’m sharing my “secret” recipe with you! I hope you enjoy and have lots of wonderful party memories!

Moist Cake Mix
1 box white cake mix
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup cane sugar
1 package instant vanilla pudding
1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream
3/4 cup water
4 large egg whites (1/2 cup liquid egg whites carton)
1/2 TBL vanilla extract (yes, that much)
1/2 tsp lemon extract
1/2 tsp almond extract (optional)

Mix dry and wet ingredients separately then combine without whipping. Bake at 325 degrees for about 30 minutes then 5-10 minutes increments as needed.

*Tip 1: Cut parchment paper to fit the bottom of your pan and set inside of sprayed pan for easy flipping. Be sure to let cool before flipping though.

*Tip 2: If using yellow cake mix instead of white, substitute the egg whites for whole eggs and use the same amount (1/2 cup).

*Tip 3: You can switch out the box flavor for lemon, orange, pineapple etc by simply changing out your pudding and extract flavors as needed.

*Tip 4: (from a friend) once fully cool, Saran wrap and place in the freezer and decorate with frozen layers. The moisture works with icing together to make a perfectly moist cake as it thaws. And it makes cake decorating easier since you can break up the process over a couple days.
Buttercream Icing
2/3 cup egg whites
8 cups powdered sugar
1 1/4 cup softened unsalted butter
1 TBL vanilla extract
1/4 tsp salt
(Optional: 1 tsp almond and 1 tsp lemon extract)

Whip egg whites on high til peaks form.

Add 4 cups sifted powdered sugar a cup at a time beating on low.

Alternate adding 1 1/4 cup softened unsalted butter and another 4 cups sifted powdered sugar.

Add salt and extracts

Whip til smooth and fluffy.

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